The Last Of Us

The Last Of Us: Part One 2023

The Last Of Us: Part One 2023. The Last of Us Part One and Survivor were horror games tailored for 2023 as zombie games. You will fight against zombies by taking control of a teenager girl character aged 14 and try to get rid of the disease. It was going to be a suspenseful ride with fast-paced beasts an emotional tale and excitement. How to play The Last of Us : Run game with turkish language and install as repack!

The PC requirements for The Last of Us are listed as follows;

  • Make sure you have Windows 10 (or higher) as OS.
  • You need an AMD Ryzen 5 1500X or Intel Core i7-4770K CPU.
  • Must have Video Card that supports AMD Radeon RX 470 (4GB) AMD Radeon RX 6500 XT (4GB) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (4GB) NVIDIA GeForce 1050 Ti.
  • Compatible with 16GB.
  • It says you need 2 GB of RAM for your system memory, and 16 GB of hard disk space for storage.
  • File Size: 81.7 GB
  • Thet of Us Part I v.

Want to see a remaster of this 9 year old game? Is happening.

It feels like I also did the Last of Us 2 review? Did I overthink it? Or did I phone my brother, Eser, as usual and YAP ABOUT THIS GAME FOR 20 MINUTES?

Perhaps because we have been positioning Last of Us every few years for 9 years. How it was when it came out. How could he not? This truly cinematic story a roughly 15-hour odyssey that never stops keeping its tension level high even when its cadence falters makes you laugh cry and deliver both action and adventure.

I’m not sure if someone has to be told but 2033. The zombies are back to take over the world. Except this time you’re not with the same cliche zombie stories (so don’t worry). Zombies aren’t even the story’s main theme. Roberts is free to do whatever he wants, so the undead might not even be referred to as zombies. And then there are clickers, for example. There are runners. There are bloaters.

They’ve made clear their intentions already. And there are those who are on the edges, that these creatures that lose their ugliness have lost their humanity due to the effects of a virus and will live forever with that insatiable hunger within them. They call themselves “human”. But as soon as opportunities of civilization come to a close humanity sadly follows it. The Last of Us tells it all. It is about beings who are human like in appearance but have lost their humanity, the creatures who try to kill them.

Airplane Game

The Last of Us is so slow to start. “Suppose the plane takes 1 hour taxiing before it finally gets to the runway. There is such a feeling. Of course, I could feel this way because a few times before I had completed the game, but it has a slow tempo which is evident from the beginning. And then all of a sudden you just jump into action. Imagine the buzz of the point of departure. A mild agitation which I can hardly explain a weird excitement in the plane which is at full throttle on the runway.

Then a rapid upswing with the wheels in the air. That’s what Last of Us does to you. He intersects with the paths of Joel and Ellie. It plunges you right into the action. But you can’t tell whether we are just starting out or not. As the farewell moment approaches; You lose track of the game, and the action you reach will be protected for as long as the global game continues. The take-off only waits until Joel and Ellie are alone.

Year 2022 Last of Us, You would like very ordinary adventure action game. It delivers on every mandate of the genre. It has solid action at first. In addition to hand-to-hand combat, it enables you to unleash hell on Clickers around the barrel of the rifle. And you do not have to do both if you do not want to. The game is also popular among players who cherish privacy.

It also quite well goes to those who want to sneak, those Who want to approach their enemies quietly and do their work in the same silence. You gather raw materials from your left and turn them into even more useful items to your right. On the one hand, due to drug-like capsules, also beautiful to read and to find in chapters you make Joel stronger, on the other hand you enhance your equipment by collecting spare parts that are simply milked around. The titular boy in the game, Joel.

Joel with no Ellie is nothing at all.

Joel is presented as a businessman stuck in the past, and when Joel’s soft emotions get ripped away from him, Ellie arrives, and suddenly, he’s a guy with a heart again. It doesn’t offer much to like. Joel becomes likable for all his actions whenever Ellie is in the picture. “I would have done the same,” she has you say after a while. Then you have to stop and acknowledge that Last of Us played its hand perfectly here, because games with “lovable” characters are always so much more impressive.

The Last of Us is one of them. But Joel without Ellie is nothing. From Joel’s point of view, he is a businessman stuck in the past, having his ability to feel snatched away from him until someone climbs onto the stage — Ellie. There’s not a lot to like about it. Ellie is in it and there comes your appreciation for everything Joel does. After a while makes you go “What have I done?” Then you remember that Last of Us did its protagonists right because it turns out that games with “lovable” characters are always so much better.

The Last of Us is no different. So Joel without Ellie is worth nothing.” When we first meet Joel, he comes across as a business-oriented man living in the past whose emotions are taken away until Ellie comes into the picture. Not much to love in this thing. Ellie just gets the best side out of Joel and his character makes you fall in love with him. For a while, it makes you think “I would have done the same.” Then you think how Last of Us had made its protagonists so very well that all games with “lovable” characters are always more impressive.

The Last of Us is not immune to this.

Makes you say “I would have done the same” eventually. And then you’re reminded that Last of Us had powerful central characters because games are always better with the “lovables.” The Last of Us is no exception; After some time it makes you say “I would have done the same.” Then you think about how Last of Us crafted its main characters and you come down to the only decision they could have made, which is that games with “lovable” characters are always so much better. The Last of Us is no different.

If Joel is the true boy Ellie is the real girl. The lifeblood of the game. Unfortunately, not the protagonist that we play as. As per the part written for him he usually brings as much to the action he can as suited for the play’s scenario. Most of the time, it feels like a God of War Atreus situation. Because the main character is Joel you get to see Ellie much more clearly. I told him he is really the star. Watching Ellie react while Joel does all the dirty work is where you’ll find the most fun in the game.

At times you’ll instruct Ellie to get to a place where Joel doesn’t have the space to go. Or wedging something durable through the door. It’s really Ellie that ends up being highlighted, though, because she comes into play more for the “Puzzle” portions of the game. Only the “pull out the garbage container” type of puzzles which was clichéd 9 years ago and never drawn in 2022 sadly lack any other direction than boredom. Hoy a puzzle mentality pulling a container and leaning a ladder all the time in the whole game. This is fact I can say that Skip Puzzle is one of the most amazing feature Part 1.

The Remastered Remake of the Original

The game 3 versions in 9 years called the one And Another Name What Was Last of Us. And then one sits and wonders “Why?What was the need? Also, it wouldn’t be true if they said for example: “We carry our game to some new generations”. They dare call man a new generation? Am I complaining? I am definitely not. With every new generation console release I’m always envisioning the games that defined the last generation are going to look on the new box and how they will shine in 60 FPS. Anything after PS5 prints more curiosity than ever. Due to the fact that this behemoth is loaded with high (graphics flinging) power 4K 120 HZ HDR ALLM VRR 3D Sound and glorious DualSense.

That’s precisely why and they might have created Last of Us: Part 1 to get rich. And of course let’s not forget — the first thing they did when creating the remake was change the name of the game. Everything else is the same or up. I think so he should not he because of going back and playing Remaster but to enjoy this masterpiece as it was meant be played in its best form by playing TloU Part 1 which he had to have been heard of for years, but having not very much curious

What do I mean by “perfect”?

First of all the graphics. So just take for Part 2, the game engine and firmware and put it into Part 1. It looks like this is done. There are different graphics area compared to the original as mountain and compared to the Remasters as hills. I’m not just referring to higher resolution skins here characters with a higher polygon count. You don’t get those opportunities to register those details in sequences that are moving very fast as it is.” Due to the power of the PS5, it is possible to see a lot more activity on the screen, come and see.

That doesn’t necessarily mean more zombies are running around. The grass leaves of the trees reflecting the size of the flames and on and on every detail you can think of in this style is way more vivid and way more realistic than it is in Part 1. Things look baffling but there’s too much detail everywhere ​for it to not feel like the world is not just a movie set. Part 1 is therefore nothing less than jaw-droppingly impressive.

But the real bomb which I think is the support, is provided for the new generation technologies. Playing a PS5 game in Performance mode with an unlocked framerate and VRR (Variable Refresh Rate) enabled hits different with a DX format panel. Of course this requires the latest PS5 software (which you should already load up if you’re going to be playing Part 1) and a 4K 120 Hz VRR-compliant TV or monitor. If you possess such a device I recommend prepare yourself for an extraordinarily gratifying sightseeing experience.

As a PS5 classic, the game also has a Fidelity mode. This is a modulation which I haven’t used in PS5 game, and not felt necessary to use it either. Fidelity mode targets a performance of 40 frames, in the power of the device, which, while not high refrains 4K images without resolution this application.

Accessibility, the Industry Standard!

Although during the production process of Part 1 Naughty Dog said like this graphics, like this sounds, like we are getting the most out of DualSense, the thing he was the proudest of was the difference he emphasized Accessibility features. Surprising? Nah, not at all, they did stress the same in Part 2. That’s the only thing that distinguishes Part 1 from its original and remaster.

So picture a game that can welcome players on all sections of the spectrum with every kind of disability. Let every player with different eyes ears and hands obstacles be a partner in their adventure; so that they can enter this wonderful world and even run to the end TLoU Part 1 is such a game.

The accessibility options for the game occupy over half of the Tab in Settings. So it is not possible for me to be able to write them all nor for you nor do you read them without boredom. But whatever you think, is also in these settings. You can skip puzzles or make Quick Events easier. You may enable the map assistant or keep the forward side of the camera always towards the target. Interested in checking out how aware of the enemies?

Sick and tired of swapping out a gun when it runs out of ammo? Struggling to shoot the zombies in their heads? Is it driving you to death to see elements to understand? Falling from the top of buildings and dying was tiring? The solutions are all in these settings. This also applies to players who don’t have any physical disabilities In the Accessibility part, you can see a lot of that can be set up for players to make during this scenario for players who have cleared the first 2 versions of the game.

Auto Pickup is one of them, a gift from God. What a great thing you are — 보세요. Now instead of opening the cabinets and walking up to the tables and picking up every single object one by one walk up to the closet hang on the table and Joel will do the picking for you. Trust me on this one, turn on this feature the second you start the game.

Before DualSense– After DualSense–

Well there’s also Dualsense. They applied whatever feature they have in Part 1. For brevity, I’m skipping this, presuming you’re as sick of rehashing my PS5 review bullet points as I am. Super haptic engine still triggers with tension feeling etc. But there is one really interesting thing. Feeling the conversations! Yes to feel. I cannot explain the answer to this question “How does it happen” by writing it Here.

Basically, and with no real meaning the game activates DualSense’s vibration motors in accordance with how emphatic and voicey emotional the character’s speech is. Those engines make you feel the flow of speech its importance and the pressure within your hands. Is it very necessary? No it is not. But very interesting. Naturally we know that Naughty Dog will do this through considering the has partial hearing loss gamers.

There was Joel & Ellie before there was Kratos & Atreus

Yes, that road was paved with cobblestones by Joel and Ellie before it was Kratos & Atreus, as Cory Barlog confessed. Last of Us was a game which showed what a father would do for the love of his child, how far could a father go to protect his child and maybe this was the biggest factor of main theme of the game. This feature is unchanged from Part 1. So even if you don’t plan on being in the game for anything you should definitely go through it just for the relationship that develops between Joel and Ellie as the game progresses. For me this is the biggest difference between the original and Part 1. Last of US that on first day made me feel all x5 when I played as father of a 5 year old daughter today.

This happens in the first minutes of the game

Bad beginnings nor bad endings do I like. I feel angry when everything is fine but the movie ends bad I wish I could not watch it. Because of the emotional whiplash I just talked about, Last of Us throws the player around from location to location. Certainly not as nihilist as L Volume 2 It also allows you to be sometimes happy at least. Which is why Part 1 didn’t have that “I wish I hadn’t played” effect for me. But it by no means filled me with indescribable joy.

The basic problem that simplices didn’t contribute to “I wish I hadn’t played” effect is none other than Ellie himself that I saved me from boredom in Part 2. Jessica is a character packed to the brim. Every gesture every speech everything he does is laden with significance. And it’s so witty! Of course, if you began the series with Part 2, there is going to be an awesome surprise in Part 1! You love Ellie talking about to things, mocking the 3rd characters and spending time with Joel again.

There is a line that spoke in Ellie’s speech who extricates and exited a question in the scene in relatively first quarter of the game when Joel shuts the door on the zombie and a limb sticks to his shoe that “There’s someone on your shoe” to keep me out with a smile on my face from the stress of the tense chase a few seconds ago. This is but one of dozens of examples. He’s endearing in battle and endearing in jest. She’s such a lovable character, and it really draws you into the moment as she talks about how she feels.

In Ezpelta a short center point is the Part 1 and to the first Ellie has nothing to do with it. The most valid reason to believe that children should always be cute, even if they never expand in games either, must be Last of Us.

For Last of Us Part 1 I can say with confidence “this is how you play this game,” now we are able to experience this masterpiece better than ever.

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